Channing Channel - September 2022

Fall is coming! Fall is coming?  Or is it? It looks like our 100 degree temperatures may be over so perhaps we can be optimistic about the cooler times coming. School has started in many areas and football season is fast approaching. Our church fall season is about to begin with Forum starting again after Labor Day and our open church services with both in-person and Zoom options available for our many participants. There have been some issues with Zoom but they are being worked out. I am being told, in one way or the other, Zoom will continue in some compacity.  We appreciate all who continue to join us.

Officially, Fall begins on Sept 21. In the earth-centered or Pagan tradition, the fall equinox is celebrated as the Sabbat Mabon, which our CUUPs chapter will be celebrating on Sunday afternoon Sept 18. Mabon is  a celebration of the 2nd harvest of the year honoring our bounties and beginning deliberations of preparing for the cooler times ahead.

We do have many bounties to celebrate and we hope all will help share our bounties with our contributions to our Hope Family with  food and personal items left on our fireplace ledge for distribution to the Hope Center.

Blessed Be,



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