Channing Chanel - May 2023

The (late) April showers did come! And with May Day we have the blooms and produce coming! I love this time of year or getting one's hands in the dirt and watching the sprouts, blooms, and new plant life appearing seemingly so magically. It is time for planting seeds of all kinds, literally and spiritually. So do plant those seeds and ideas, nurture them, and help them materialize!It is also the time of year we deal with annual church business as we prepare for the next church year which begins July 1.At our annual Congregational Meeting on May 21, we will be voting on a budget for the new church year, electing new officers, board members, and some committee members. We do urge you to attend that meeting which will be accompanied by a pot-luck meal. We so do appreciate all those willing to step up to help us conduct our church businesses have several members who are facing or have faced serious medical issues. We keep them in our hearts, sending out healing thoughts and energy to them .Blessed Be, To see the full newsletter click here