The Channing Channel - July 2021

Elizabeth Duncan
Elizabeth Duncan
min read
Aug 7, 2021

When I agreed to be President-Elect for 2020-21 and then to be President for 2021-22, there were changes to come in my life, as there are in all of our lives. I didn’t know that my daughter-in-law, Maddie, was to become pregnant and have my perfect granddaughter, Lilah Mae, this past May. I also didn’t know my husband, Don, would have such a rapid decline in his health.

I have always enjoyed all my activities with Channing, although some more than others.  I think I have been an active, enthusiastic member. My physical, emotional and mental priorities have changed, but I will do my best to be President if you will all help me as much as you can.

I recognize that many of you already volunteer so much. We need to think about trying to do so many things with so few members and a declining budget. We are going to have a bare bones financial year, partly because of the closure of the church due to the pandemic; but also because of the loss of membership for various reasons, including death.

So, let’s start with two things. First, as we begin to have in-person services and thus know how important sharing food can be, a volunteer is needed to help be sure goodies are provided each week when there is no pot luck scheduled.  Pot lucks will begin in August, and will be the first Sunday of the month.  

The second has to do with Forum. If we are to have Forum, we need a group of individuals to help prepare the topics each week. This doesn’t need to take a lot of time. Showing a TED Talk each week is pretty easy. We should decide this by September. If anyone wants to volunteer for either of these activities, please email me at

I recently participated in our church’s Game Night, which I heartily recommend. I had forgotten how much fun we have together as we played Pictionary. There were only five of us, so we had two uneven teams. This was especially true as one team had Marcia Woodward, and we were missing Sharon Lancaster to help balance it out! Guess which team won. And it wasn’t mine. But luckily that wasn’t the most important thing.

Liz Duncan

 To see the entire July Newsletter, click here